About Community Progress, Inc.

CPI is located in Corning, NY at 147 East 2nd Street
Community Progress, Inc. (CPI) is a local not-for-profit Rural Preservation Company, providing direct home repair assistance to eligible households throughout Chemung, Steuben, and Schuyler Counties via grants secured through federal, state and local municipal governments and organizations.
CPI originated in 1970 out of the room of a resident's home, helping one family each year. After the devastating floods of June 1972, the need for home repairs escalated dramatically. In the late-1980's, a Weatherization Program was created in which fees for services were based on a sliding scale according to income. A crew was hired to assist in the rehabilitation of homes in need, until the cost of Worker's Compensation skyrocketed in the mid-90's. Since that time, local area contractors operating in all of our service counties have been utilized through an open bidding process.
Our organization provides financial assistance to over 100 families annually to repair roofs, windows, doors, furnaces, and hot water tanks. We also assist with gutter replacements, septic and well upgrades for failing systems, chimney and plumbing repairs, provisions for handicap accessibility, electrical upgrades, weatherization provisions, and Green Building initiatives.
In addition to owner-occupied housing rehabilitation, CPI also provides direct assistance to municipalities through the use of the New York Main Street Program, whereby buildings and anchor projects receive facade and mixed-use rehabilitative assistance and municipalities may receive funding for streetscape enhancements.
Funding providers for Community Progress, Inc. include, but are not limited to: New York State Homes & Community Renewal, Housing Trust Fund Corporation, New York State RESTORE Program, New York Main Street Program, New York State Affordable Housing Corporation and Federal Home Loan Bank.
Our Team

Julie Chevalier
Executive Director

Board of Directors:
Cathy Weil - Chairperson
Amy Kehr- Vice Chair
Helene Fausold - Secretary/Treasurer
Mark Fife
Joe Pavlik
Lisa Novitsky
Program Director
Finance Director